Brains Practicer is a perfect game to shuffle your brain. It is actually the combination of Mind and Memory games and not just mind or memory games. Games which have only memory exercises or mind exercises are not perfect games to train your brain and are not so effective to make your mind sharper or increase your concentration or make you more intelligent. As I said that Brains Practicer is a combination of Mind and Memory games because in this game, memory exercises are combined with timer. So you required to remember different numbers or shapes with their exact position in the grid of boxes with in the time limit set for each type of game and for each level of game. But you can not control the time limit set to remember each puzzle in different games and for each level. Brain Practicer can surely improve the intelligence quotient of anybody if they regularly drill their brain with Brain Practicer. Presently Brain Practicer provides you seven different types of drilling exercising games with increasing difficulty levels. Number memory game give you option to remember numbers which you required to recall after 2 minutes from your memory. Operative symbol will test and boost your arithmetic skill. Whereas instant memory game gives you very short time to remember numbers. And time calculation game gives you different type of mathematical puzzles.